
Just like last year, the horse show will be held in two different arenas in Villa Borghese; the oval in Piazza di Siena, even more enchanting now the grass has grown back, and the Galoppatoio, which will host some of the international classes as well as almost all the national ones.

Admission to both areas will be free of charge allowing supporters to watch all the classes. Seating at the Galoppatoio will be available along the arena while at Piazza di Siena spectators will be able to use the terraced part on one side of the arena and the grassy area outside the Casina Raffaello.

As happened last year, everything built for the 2019 edition will have little environmental impact, with two low covered seating areas along the long sides of the oval and below the two villas, the Tribuna Orologio Partners’ Lounge reserved to Partners and the Tribuna Raffaello Corporate Lounge that, in addition to areas reserved to owners and riders includes a large area with private tables (info and bookings: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

It will also be possible to buy seats for a third open grandstand built along the short side of the oval opposite the entrance to the arena. Tickets for this area are already on sale on-line at TicketOne - click here to acces online ticket sales.

Click here for the programme.


Photo © Simone Ferraro/CONI

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