
Piazza di Siena will look particularly enchanting this year with the new grass surface.

This marks a return to its origins, since grass had only been replaced with sand only in 2007 and is a decision that has not changed the surface’s technical characteristics.

The reinstatement of grass in the oval, and with it a return to the area’s original state, is part of a broader upgrade very much desired by CONI and FISE. Work started last autumn with the laying out of 770 roles of turf. The re-grassing of the arena has been a great success and the Roman oval is now ready to welcome the show jumping world’s top riders in its new and yet ancient guise.

Piazza di Siena has returned to state originally conceived at the end of the 18th century by Prince Marcantonio IV Borghese and since the 1920s has hosted this international horse show. This is a powerful message sent not only to the city, but to the whole world, alongside the organisers’ assumption of responsibility for the capital’s artistic heritage.

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