
The spectacular setting at Piazza di Siena, within the public park at the Villa Borghese in the heart of Rome, has a charm that is unmatched by any other equestrian venue anywhere in the world. You feel you are being hugged by history as you walk into the showground which is carefully managed by CONI/FISE Organising Committee in conjunction with the municipal authorities in order to ensure minimum impact on its precious environment.

Returning the oval - the natural amphitheatre where the main arena is located - to a grass arena was a significant and well-received innovation last year as was the limited seating and the decision to stage some of the competitions in the Gallopatoio arena, close to the stables and the main entrance, in order to conserve the main arena surface.

In 2019 CSIO Rome Piazza di Siena - Master fratelli d'Inzeo celebrates the 90th anniversary of its permanent move to the present location. It was the venue for the very first show in 1922 but prior to 1929 the fixture was staged twice at the Villa Glori racetrack and then in Parioli before returning to its true home. The Governor of the time, Prince Francesco Boncompagni Ludovisi, decided that the arena at Piazza di Siena could be used again, “entrusting it to people who showed that they understood the reponsibility entrusted to them as well as assessing the inestimable advantages it offered”. That trust continues to be honoured today.

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