
The opening day at the 90th edition of the Csio Rome – Master d’Inzeo started under the Brazilian flag. On the sand arena of the Galoppatoio, Pedro Veniss aboard Cadum de Champloue was awarded Prix n. 1, a jump-off class, h. 145 metres, 26.200 euro.

In the quite crowded barrage (22 qualified), the 40 years old Brazilian dashed around, stopping the clock on 32.71. British Jodie Hall McAteer on Catoki was almost half a second slower and took the second place while the Belgian Koen Vereecke, on Lector vd Bisschop, in a time of 33.63 was third.

Emanuele Gaudiano on Julius.D, who took some risk on a fast turn at the beginning of the jump-off, ended up in fourth position. He was the best italian rider in the class.

«That’s my first participation in Rome - Veniss declaired - and I immediately win a class: that's really great! I have competed more or less all over the world, but there is no particular reason why I have not been here before. So I was delighted with the invitation to be in Rome on this occasion and represent Brazil in the Nations Cup. I brought three horses. I will ride Nimrod de Muze Z in the Cup and in the Grand Prix».

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