
Once again the 2023 edition of CSIO Rome - Master d’Inzeo is completely open to the public who can watch all the action from both the ancient grandstands and the natural viewing areas graced by gloriously mature cypress trees.

The pure charm of the Piazza di Siena which lies in the lovely Villa Borghese park in the heart of the Italian capital city always ensures a large audience of enthusiastic spectators. And just over a year ahead of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games the standard of competition is sure to be sharper than ever as riders set out to impress, and trainers and selectors keep a close eye on individual and team performances.

Italian course designer, Uliano Vezzani, won’t be making it easy for them, but he is delighted that the field of play has been upgraded and enlarged thanks to the temporary grassing of the gravel pathways around the outer edge of the oval-shaped arena which will now cover an area of 10,560 square metres. There will also be a different location for the entrance to the course, placed on the long side of the Casino dell’Orologio instead of on the short one.

«The dimensions have increased to 150 meters in length and 66 in width - explains Vezzani - The effort has been considerable, on the part of the Organizing Committee, and the result was excellent. The larger course will allow a less intense use of the lawn and therefore a better condition of the ground».

«Differences in the design of the course will be considerable, because the concept of the courses will be different, with larger spaces. Before I was forced to develop combinations longitudinally, now I will be able to do it also transversally. Therefore also horses movements will change: the effort will be greater but horses will have better comfort in the action that they will be able to develop on the course».

Competitions will also take place in the nearby Galloppatoio where the programme will get underway early in the morning of Thursday 25 May.



Photo © Simone Ferraro / Sport e Salute

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